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How Debt Restructuring Works

Our Debt Restructuring Program provides a viable option for businesses that have a serious debt problem. These are companies that have at least $15,000 of debt that is over 90 days old. Rather than closing their doors, our program gives these businesses the opportunity to restructure their debt; thus helping them pay their creditors and stay in business.

The process through which we restructure a business's debt is both effective and fair. We develops a plan that debtors can afford and creditors will accept. To accomplish this, the debtor's ability to repay on a consistent monthly basis must be established. The presence of any liens, lawsuits or judgments is also important, as is the amount of secured and unsecured assets.
Once debtors submit their payables and the amounts are verified by the creditors, a realistic and workable plan can be offered. Creditors are given multiple options ranging from pennies-on-the-dollar paid quickly to payment-in-full over time. Our program is a win-win situation for everyone.