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Referral Program FAQ

What type of businesses should I refer?
Ideal candidates for our Business Debt Restructuring Program are those that have at least $15,000 in debt that is over 90 days old. They must be able to pay 2% of their total debt or at least $750 per month, whichever is greater. Their type of business or cause of financial instability is irrelevant.

How will I be financially compensated?
For every referral sent to us that becomes a client and pays either $750 or one full month's installments (whichever is greater), you will be paid 15% of gross revenues.

How soon will I be paid for our referrals?
When a referral becomes a client and their 1st monthly check or all (4) weekly checks clear. Payment is not made for referrals alone; the referral must become a paying client. You get paid when we get paid.

How do we submit leads?
Call Charles Evans at 1-800-411-1113 x.4047.